Benefits of strawberries. 11 reasons to eat strawberries

Do you want to eat more fruit and do not know which one to decide? Are you tired of always eating apples at work? Eating fruit is very healthy, but if you want to take advantage of the benefits of fruit, the key is variety. Therefore, we are going to tell you about the benefits that some fruits will bring you. Let’s start with the benefits of strawberries and their health properties.

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Main reasons to eat strawberries:
Strawberries can be considered a medicinal plant for different nutritional properties and benefits (see ” properties of strawberries “) :
– Strawberries are low in calories so you can eat strawberries if you have a sudden attack of hunger. You will not gain weight.

– The strawberry is very rich in water (85% of its content is water).
– Due to its high percentage of water, they help to purify the body of toxins and favor the good condition of the skin.

– One of the main benefits of strawberries is that they are a powerful antioxidant and prevent infections due to their high content of vitamin C (say goodbye to untimely colds). Being rich in antioxidants prevent aging.
Other benefits of strawberries in your diet
– They are also rich in other vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, and E.
– Contributes to lower cholesterol level.
– Strawberries are very rich in fiber so they fight constipation and are used to prevent sudden rises in blood glucose (help regulate the level of sugar).

– Because they are a natural source of salicylic acid they are considered as a natural anti-inflammatory.
– Avoid high levels of uric acid (it is useful to prevent gout).
– Another benefit of strawberries is its effect as a natural toothpaste. They serve to whiten the teeth, but also, due to their bactericidal properties, prevent the appearance of decay and the formation of tartar. They are also a great remedy for gum problems, bleeding gums, and gingivitis.

You know, a bowl of strawberries (with cream, with cream, with chocolate, with orange juice or whatever else you like) is a good option at any time of the day. Healthy, full of vitamins and especially delicious. Stay healthy.


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