Home Remedies for Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is one that tends to overreact to both external and internal factors.
Among the external factors are the cold wind, extreme heat, environmental dryness caused by heating and air conditioning, contact with irritants, chemicals or cleaning products, detergents, unsuitable cosmetics, abuse of exfoliants, etc.). While the interns are aging, hormonal changes, poor nutrition, among others).
Usually sensitive skin is very fine and fragile to the touch and shows frequent irritation, burning sensation, burning congestion, itching, eczema or peeling;
The latter because it loses more trans-epidermal water (body water) than other types of skin.
Sometimes, also, may present rosacea (cheekbones, cheeks and nose fins reddened by vascular lesions) due to the increased reactivity of blood vessels and the transparency of the thin skin. In addition, wrinkles may appear prematurely.
Although sensitive skin is more frequent in the facial region it also occurs in the neck area and other locations such as extremities or scalp.
It is important to note that sensitive skin can appear at any age. However, many people may notice their presence after a treatment for severe acne.
Remedy for sensitive skin # 1: Boil two tablespoons of sage leaves in a cup of water for 5 minutes. Soak a cotton ball and remove makeup from the face.
Remedy for sensitive skin # 2: Use thermal water to wash or cleanse the skin, since its properties offer an excellent result due to its intense calming, anti-irritant and dermo protective action.
Remedy for sensitive skin # 3: Pour some natural yogurt on wet hands and spread on the skin, neckline and neck. Leave on for 10 minutes and remove with a sponge moistened in warm water (neither cold nor hot).
Remedy for sensitive skin # 4: Peel and chop 2 bananas and place them in a blender. Add 3 tablespoons of honey and 1/4 cup of cold milk. Blend and apply on the face and neck. Leave for 10 minutes. After that time, rinse with fresh water and remove, using a disposable wipe, the rest of the mask with soft pat.
Remedy for sensitive skin # 5: Pour 1/2 cup of whole or skimmed milk powder and 1 tablespoon of apricot kernel oil together, directly under the running water of the bath. Shake the water with your hand to mix. Immerse the whole body in this bath for twenty or thirty minutes. This remedy helps the skin that is not only sensitive but irritates very easily.
Daily care is essential to have beautiful skin. So to keep it beautiful and well treated one of the basic cares for the face, neck or back is cleanliness.


  1. My skin type is sensitive . i hope this will really help me.

    1. Yeah dear. It will help you. keep in touch with me for more new update.

  2. Thank you so much. stay connect with me.


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