7 Tips to Take Care of Your Health

People who acquire healthy habits not only enjoy better mood, but reduce the risk of diseases, infections and body aches, but how can you take care of your health in a simple way? According to the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), only small changes in life are needed to improve our quality of life. Know them! 1 . Take care of the height of your rearview mirror. When driving, try to have the rear view mirror tilted upwards. With this, your back will remain straight, you will improve your posture and you will reduce the neck pains. 2. Avoid crossing the legs. This movement damages your blood circulation and elevates blood pressure. 3. Choose the first bathroom cubicle. In public toilets, this place is used less, so it has a smaller amount of bacteria. Use it to reduce the spread of disease, says Allison Janse, author of The Germ Freak’s Guide to Outwitting Colds and Flu. 4. Get away from the screen. Staying many hours exposed to the computer monitor ca...